I. Call to Order | Chairperson Carrie Truitt |
A. Approve/Amend May 09, 2024 Board Meeting Agenda | |
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence | Student Ambassadors |
III. Communications | |
A. Student Recognition | Chris Brady |
B. Staff Recognition | Chris Brady |
C. Public Comment | |
D. Superintendent Report (Attachment #1) | Chris Brady |
E. NTI Data and Academic Update Report | Dana Thomas and David Gibson |
F. Compass Security Solutions | Steve Lange and Nathan Kustes |
G. Attendance & Enrollment Report | Angie Akers |
H. Finance Report | Scott Spalding |
IV. Student Learning Services | |
A. Consider approval of FY25 Emergency/Provisional Certification for teachers & substitute teachers | |
B. Consider approval of 2024-25 Student Code of Conduct | |
V. Student Support Services | |
A. Consider approval of Pay Application #1 and associated DPOs from Central Kentucky Glass in the total amount of $11,812.50 for the Marion County Middle School – Partial Window Glazing Replacement, BG 24-120 | |
B. Consider approval of Pay App #13 to Griggs Enterprises in the amount of $637,375.04 for work performed and $421,556.43 to vendors for materials on the New Calvary Elementary School BG# 22-052 | |
C. Consider approval of Change Order #13 for the New Calvary Elementary School BG# 22-052 | |
D. Consider approval of 2023-24 KDE Audit Contract | |
E. Consider approval of FY25 Tentative Budget | |
F. Consider approval of 2024-25 Salary Schedule (Attachment #2) | |
G. Consider approval of 2024-25 School Fees (Attachment #3) | |
H. Consider approval of five (5) extended days for Dana Roney for the 2023-24 school year paid from Glasscock SBDM funds | |
I. Consider acceptance of auctioneering service bids (Attachment #4) | |
J. Consider approval to award auctioneering service bid | |
K. Consider acceptance of Chromebook bids (Attachment #5) | |
L. Consider approval to award the Chromebook bid | |
M. Consider approval of items for Surplus Auction (Attachment #6) | |
N. Consider approval of the 2024-25 Phase Four: (NTI) (Non-Traditional Instruction Continuation of District Learning Plan | |
O. Consider approval of the 2024-25 Phase Four: District Professional Development Plan | |
P. Acknowledgement of field trips | |
VI. Student Learning & Support Consent Items | |
A. Approval of minutes | |
B. Approval of payment of bills as presented | |
C. Approval of use of district property | |
D. Approval of 2024-25 Dual Credit Memorandum of Agreement for Elizabethtown Community and Technical College | |
E. Acceptance of the Summer Boost Grant | |
F. Acceptance of donation from Ingersoll Rand of an eight gallon gasoline powered air compressor (Model SS3J5.5GH/K) | |
G. Approval of leave without pay for Rebecca Walker from 3/19/24 through 6/17/24 | |
H. Approval of leave without pay for Jennifer Davis from 4/8/24 through 5/6/24 | |
I. Approval of leave without pay for William Raley from 3/29/24 through 6/21/24 | |
J. Approval of leave without pay for .5 day for Amiee Case on 4/9/24 | |
K. Approval of leave without pay for Amy Brown on 4/19/24 | |
L. Approval of leave without pay for Jackie Lanham on 5/2/24 | |
M. Approval of intermittent leave without pay for Cindy Mills from 4/19/24 through 6/8/24 | |
VII. Acknowledgement of Personnel Actions (Attachment #7) | |
VIII. Closed session under KRS 61.810(1)(f) for discussion which might lead to the discipline of a student | |
IX. Open Session | |
X. Adjournment | |