Agenda Report

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Board of Education - Regular Meeting
October 12, 2023 5:30 PM
Administration Building
755 East Main Street
Lebanon, Kentucky 40033

Marion County Public School YouTube Channel:

I. Call to OrderChairperson Carrie Truitt
A. Approve/Amend October 12, 2023 Board Meeting Agenda
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of SilenceStudent Ambassadors Noah VanDyke and Andrew Mattingly
III. Communications
A. Student Recognition
B. Public Comment
C. Superintendent Report (Attachment #1)Chris Brady
D. SREB (Southern Regional Education Board) Strategic Planning Presentation/DiscussionBob Stokes via zoom
E. Attendance/Enrollment/Redistricting ReportAngie Akers
F. Finance ReportScott Spalding
IV. Student Learning Services
A. Consider approval of shortened school day for students #04-024, #05-024 and #06-024
B. Consider approval of 2024-25 Calendar Committee Board Member Representative
V. Student Support Services
A. Consider approval of Pay App #21 to Griggs Enterprises in the amount of $402,705.96 for work performed and $5,556.29 to vendors for materials on the Marion County High School project BG # 21-103
B. Consider approval of Change Order #27 for a credit of $31,800 for the Marion County High School project BG # 21-103
C. Consider approval of Pay App #6 to Griggs Enterprises in the amount of $470,631.76 for work performed and $90,875.01 to vendors for materials on the New Calvary Elementary School, BG # 22-052
D. Consider approval of Change Order #8 to Griggs Enterprises in the amount of $0.00 for the New Calvary Elementary School BG #22-052
E. Consider approval of Pay App #4 to Haire Construction, LLC in the amount of $80,058.05 for work performed on the six Outdoor Classrooms project BG # 22-328
F. Consider approval to declare the Ray House structure surplus to the needs of the district
G. Consider approval to advertise for sale of Ray House structure\components
H. Consider approval for consultant agreement with Ross Tarrant Architects for the masonry and window replacement project at Glasscock Elementary School
I. Consider approval to declare bus #44 surplus property
VI. Student Learning & Support Consent Items
A. Approval of minutes
B. Approval of payment of bills as presented
C. Approval of school fundraisers
D. Approval of Driver Approval Agreement
E. Approval of 2023-24 Dual Credit Memorandum of Agreement for Elizabethtown Community and Technical College
F. Approval of Superintendent Brady to attend the 2023 December National Superintendents Forum in San Diego, California
G. Approval of leave without pay for Ashley Thomas from 9/18/23 through 11/13/23
H. Approval of extension of leave without pay for Stephanie Cissell through 10/30/23
VII. Acknowledgement of Personnel Actions (Attachment #2)
VIII. Adjournment
