I. Call to Order | Chairperson Carrie Truitt |
A. Approve/Amend June 08, 2023 Board Meeting Agenda | |
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence | |
III. Communications | |
A. Staff Recognition | |
1. 2022-23 Retirees | |
2. 2022-23 Perfect Attendance | |
B. Public Comment | |
C. Superintendent Report (Attachment #1) | Chris Brady |
D. Attendance & Enrollment Report | Tim Lyons |
E. Finance Report | Scott Spalding |
IV. Student Learning Services | |
A. Acknowledgement of first reading for 2023 policy update #46 and procedure update #27 | |
B. Consider emergency approval of Policy #08.23 and Procedure #08.23 AP.21 "Harmful to Minors" Complaint Resolution Process | |
C. Consider emergency approval of Policy #08.11311 Early Graduation Program | |
D. Consider approval of updated FY2024 Certified Appeals Panel | |
V. Student Support Services | |
A. Consider approval of Pay App #17 to Griggs Enterprises in the amount of $451,686.07 for work performed and $1,364.56 to vendors for materials on the Marion County High School project BG # 21-103 | |
B. Consider Approval of Change Order #22 for the Marion County High School project BG # 21-103 in a credit of $330.36 | |
C. Consider approval of Pay App #2 to Griggs Enterprises in the amount of $89,097.75 for work performed and $3,994.54 to vendors for materials on the Calvary Elementary School project BG # 22-052 | |
D. Consider approval of DPO Change Order 2138-30-01 to Wausau Tile, Inc for the New Calvary Elementary School, BG 22-052 | |
E. Consider approval of DPO Change Order 2138-03-01 to Cellofoam North America, Inc. for the New Calvary Elementary School, BG 22-052 | |
F. Consider approval of DPO Change Order 2138-37-01 to Eckart, LLC for the New Calvary Elementary School, BG 22-052 | |
G. Consider approval of Change Order #1 to Griggs Enterprises in the amount of $44,542.17 for the New Calvary Elementary School, BG 22-052 | |
H. Consider approval of Change Order #2 to Griggs Enterprises in the amount of $928.71 for the New Calvary Elementary School, BG 22-052 | |
I. Consider approval of Cumberland Family Medical Centers School Based Satellite Clinic Agreement | |
J. Consider approval of Memorandum of Agreement with City of Lebanon for two School Resource Officers | |
K. Consider Approval of Memorandum of Agreement for Marion County Area Technology Center facility | |
L. Consider Approval of 2023-24 Houchens Insurance Group for Property, General Liability, Inland Marine, Crime, Vehicle, Errors & Omission, SM&M, Law Enforcement, Worker's Compensation, Cyber Liability, and Umbrella for $557,350 | |
M. Consider approval of FY24 Memorandums of Agreement with KY Department of Education for Shelley Badgett, Daniel Lockwood, and Shannon Sparkman | |
N. Consider approval to accept bids for Pest Control Services (Attachment #2) | |
O. Consider approval to award bid for Pest Control Services | |
P. Consider approval of FY24 Fidelity Bond for Board Treasurer in accordance with KDE regulations | |
Q. Consider approval of 2023-24 Hord’s Landscape Service Agreement | |
R. Consider approval of 2023-24 Johnson Control Fire Protection Agreement in the amount of $30,478.00 | |
S. Consider approval of school year 23-24 fees for software and menu support services for $11,103.00 | |
T. Consider approval of Child Care Food Program Meal Service Agreements | |
U. Consider approval of Otus FY24 contract in the amount of $38,347.00 | |
V. Consider approval of disposal of technology surplus items (Attachment #3) | |
W. Acknowledgement of field trips | |
VI. Student Learning & Support Consent Items | |
A. Approval of minutes | |
B. Approval of payment of bills as presented | |
C. Approval of school fundraisers | |
D. Approval of Driver Approval Agreement | |
E. Approval of 2023-24 Parochial (St. Augustine) Transportation Contract with Marion Co. Fiscal Court | |
F. Approval of National School Lunch Program for 2023-24 Application | |
G. Acceptance of MC Fiscal Court 2022-23 donation for $10,000 for extracurricular activities | |
H. Approval of CKEC 2023-24 membership dues for $7,270.00 | |
I. Approval of 12 extended days for 2022-23 school year for Julie Ball | |
J. Approval of leave without pay for Abby Smith from 9/13/23 through 9/29/23 | |
K. Approval of leave without pay for Bethany Curtis from 5/15/23 through 5/26/23 | |
VII. Acknowledgement of Personnel Actions (Attachment #4) | |
VIII. Executive Session for preliminary discussion of Superintendent's Performance Evaluation pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(k) for meeting required by law in closed session and KRS 156.557(6) | |
IX. Open session | |
X. Adjournment | |