1. Call to Order | |
2. Discussion and possible action on tonight's agenda | |
3. Pledge of Allegiance & Silent Devotion | |
4. Superintendent & Board Communication | |
a. Personnel Actions | |
b. Retiree Recognition | |
5. Discussion and possible action on the following consent items: | |
a. May 12, 2023, minutes | |
b. May Financial Statement | |
c. Superintendent Expenditures | |
d. Claims | |
e. Use of Facility | |
f. Travel | |
g. Grant: Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program | |
h. Review of all monthly reports of all funds | |
i. FY24 Bath County Schools District Assurances with the Kentucky Department of Education | |
j. Summer Feeding hourly rates | Mrs. Vickie Wells |
k. Kentucky Department of Education Fidelity Bond Report for FY24 | |
l. Kentucky Department of Education Bond Depository Report for FY24 | |
m. Fiscal Year 2023 Donations | |
n. Adjustment to FRC Coordinator and Clerk Hours | |
o. MOA for the Career & Technical Education Funds- CTE | |
p. Council for Better Education (CBE) | |
q. Job Description: Federal Programs Assistant, Title I | |
r. MOU with Sterling Health Care: Bus Driver CDL Physicals | |
s. Annual one-year emergency and provisional certification teachers for the 2023-24 school year | Mrs. Kelly Wilson |
t. National School Lunch Plan Indirect Cost | |
u. Division of School Community Nutrition- Community Eligibility Provision -CEP | |
6. Discussion and possible action of the proposal for Special Inspections for the Bath County High School project, BG#22-376 | |
7. Public Comments | |
8. Discussion and possible action on the Virtual Instruction for 2023-2024, Virtual Teaching Positions | |
9. Discussion and possible action on the Request for two Itinerant Interventionists positions to be created for one year. | |
10. Discussion and possible action to approve the KDE MOA for state literacy coach | |
11. Discussion and possible action to approve the Gateway District Health Department Agreement | |
12. Discussion and possible action on the emergency reading on the new policy 08.23/Harmful to Minors Complaint Resolution Process and Policy 08.113/Graduation Requirements [Early Graduation Program (EGP)] requirements | |
13. Discussion and possible action on the first reading and review of the 2023-24 KSBA annual policy/procedure reviews | |
14. Discussion and possible action on the first reading of revised policy 09.36 & 09.36 AP1 School-Related Student Trips | |
15. Discussion and possible action to approve updated FY24 Salary Schedules | |
16. Discussion and possible action on renewing contracts and accepting bids for the 2023-24 school year | |
a. Occupational and Physical Therapy Services with Hands-on Therapy | |
b. Speech Therapy with Communication Connections LLC | |
c. Student Accident Insurance Roberts Insurance | |
d. Workers Compensation with Southern States using KEMI | |
e. Property, Liability, Automobile, Umbrella, and other insurance (marine, crime) with Southern States Insurance using Liberty Mutual | |
f. Diesel and Gas with Kentucky Petroleum System | |
g. Fire Alarm with Amtech | |
h. School Pictures with Lifetouch | |
i. Propane with Ferrell Gas | |
j. Elevator Service with Abell Elevator International | |
k. Sanitation with Advanced Disposal | |
l. Pest Control with John Wayne | |
m. Cafeteria Hood Range cleaning with Matt Cline, Commercial Ventilation Services | |
n. Beverage with Pepsi and Ale-8 | |
o. Concessions | |
17. Discussion and possible action to contract with Transfinder | |
18. Discussion and possible action to approve bid packages from the recommended list of options: Option 1, Option 2, or Option 3 | |
19. Discussion and possible action to approve revised BG-1#22-250 | |
20. Discussion and possible action to adopt a resolution authorizing the Bath County School District Finance Corporation to Issue Revenue Bonds | |
21. Discussion and possible access to enter temporary recess of the Bath County Board of Education Meeting | |
22. Discussion and possible action to convene the Finance Corporation Meeting | |
23. Discussion and Possible action to reconvene the regular Bath County Board of Education Meeting | |
24. Discussion and possible action to approve the BCHS project pay packet | |
25. Discussion and possible action to approve the LAVEC project pay packet | |
26. Motion to go in executive session pursuant to KRS 156.557(4)(d) preliminary discussion of superintendent evaluation | |
27. Motion to come out of executive session to discuss and adopt the superintendent evaluation | |
28. Other Business | |
29. Adjourn | |