Agenda Report

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Livingston County Board of Education Regular Meeting
August 14, 2017 7:00 PM
Livingston County Middle School Cardinal Room, 1370 US HWY 60 East, Burna, KY 42028

1. Call to Order
2. Adopt the Agenda
3. Recognitions - Live RED Recognitions
A. Live RED Report
4. Public Comment
5. Consent Items
A. Minutes of Previous Meetings
B. Treasurer's Report & Finance Update
C. Payment of General and Title Program Claims
I. Superintendent Reimbursement/Expenses
D. Acknowledge Personnel Report
E. District Use of Property Agreements
F. School-Wide Fundraisers
I. General Fundraisers
G. Travel Requests
I. Student Travel-
II. Employee Travel
H. Grant Writer's Report
I. Surplus
J. Donations to schools
K. Student fees for schools
L. Extra Service Salary Schedule
M. ARC Chairperson Authorization
N. Contract Services with Summit Environmental Services
O. Memorandum of Understanding with Lyon County Schools for Visual Impairment services.
P. Memorandum of Understanding with Fulton County Schools for Visual Impairment services.
Q. Memorandum of Understanding with the Kentucky Office for the Blind, 2017-2018
R. Commonwealth of Kentucky Contract for FY18-Community Education
S. SLES Instructional Resource Plan
T. Home Hospital Memorandum of Agreement
U. Commonwealth of Kentucky Contract FY18 Preschool Partnership Grant-Tier 3 MOA
V. Data Privacy and Security FY18
W. American Fidelity (DBA AFPlan Serv) Revision to 403(b) Investment Provider Agreement
6. National Wild Turkey Federation
7. Facilities
8. Collateral Security Agreement with Farmer's Bank
9. Investments
10. Tax Rate for 2018
11. Policy Review
12. Announcements/FYI
13. Closed Session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)
14. Return to Open Session
15. Adjournment
