Agenda Report

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April 2024 Regular Meeting
April 29, 2024 4:00 PM
BES Conference Room

Breathitt Elementary School


1. Call to Order/Roll Call
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Mission and Vision
1. Review Mission and Vision Statement
4. Approval of Previous Minutes
1. March 2024 Minutes
5. New Business
1. Elizabeth Minix- Gifted and Talented Program Evaluation
2. Discuss end of year activities
6. Budget/Finance
1. SBDM Funds
2. District Activity Funds
3. Title I Funds
1. Summer Learning Activities and Materials
2. Teacher needs for 2024-2025 school year
3. Extra devices to loan
7. Curriculum/Academics
1. Acadience Benchmarking
2. Acadience Progress Monitoring Update
3. Dreambox and Lexia update
4. MAP testing- 2nd grade
8. Policy/Policy Review
1. Student Placement Policy 2nd reading
2. Primary/K-3 policy
3. Enhancing Student Achievement Policy
4. Alignment with State Standards
1. Review and approve Phase 4- Professional Development
10. Other Business
11. Public Comments
12. Adjournment
