Ft. Thomas Independent
January 08, 2024 6:30 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
Ann Meyer

Board Chair Ann Meyer called the meeting to order at 6:31pm.

I.A. Pledge of Allegiance
Ann Meyer
I.B. Recognitions
Ann Meyer
I.B.1. Board Bravos and Updates

Board members shared the following information:

  • HMS production of Matilda runs January 25-28

  • Year end programs were well attended in December

  • HHS & HMS will begin scheduling soon

  • Student Kamden Moeves had his poster chosen for Governor Beshear's inauguration

  • JES has been nominated as a Green Ribbon School

  • HHS Broadcasting has 3 students nominated as national finalists for Emmys

  • Kindergarten registration opens January 16

  • HHS Speech and Drama will compete in regionals on February 3

  • HABA Booster Cake Bash is February 3

I.B.2. School Board Recognition Month

Superintendent Brian Robinson thanked the Board and presented each member with a gift.

I.B.2.a. Presentation by FTEA to Board Members
Stephanie Ewald

FTEA treasurer Stephanie Ewald recognized and expressed appreciation for the Board and their service to the school district.  Each board member was presented with a gift.

I.B.3. Tradition of Excellence Award - Alyssa Vanderpool
Brian Robinson

Alyssa Vanderpool was given a Tradition of Excellence award in recognition of her selection as KMEA Elementary Teacher of the Year.

I.C. Student Showcase: HMS - Student Council 1st Semester Spotlight
Erika Volpenhein/Ryan Augustin

Students Presenting:

  • Isla Green
  • Finley Duke
  • Carson Jacobs


The HMS Student Council showcased their accomplishments from the first semester, including the canned food drive and day of service.  Students presenting were:

  • Isla Green

  • Finley Duke

  • Carson Jacobs

The Board thanked the students for their hard work and gave each a "Rich in Tradition" t-shirt.

I.D. Community Forum
Ann Meyer
II.A. Organization of Board
Ann Meyer
II.A.1. Election of Officers
Actions Taken

Order #2497 - Motion Passed:  Appointment of Ann Meyer as Chairperson, Julie Kuhnhein as Vice Chairperson, Brian Robinson as Secretary and Andrew Remlinger as Treasurer passed with a motion by Mr. Jeff Beach and a second by Mrs. Sarah Foster.

Member Votes
Mr. Jeff Beach Yes
Mr. Clem Fennell IV Yes
Mrs. Sarah Foster Yes
Mrs. Julie Kuhnhein Yes
Mrs. Ann Meyer Yes
II.A.2. Schedule of Regular Meetings for 2024
Ann Meyer
Actions Taken

Order #2498 - Motion Passed:  Approval to hold the regular monthly Board meetings for 2024 at 6:30pm on the second Monday of each month and hold regular monthly working meetings at either 8:15am or 4pm on the Thursday prior to each monthly meeting, with exceptions as identified on the 2024 Board Meeting Dates list passed with a motion by Mr. Clem Fennell IV and a second by Mrs. Julie Kuhnhein.

Member Votes
Mr. Jeff Beach Yes
Mr. Clem Fennell IV Yes
Mrs. Sarah Foster Yes
Mrs. Julie Kuhnhein Yes
Mrs. Ann Meyer Yes
II.A.3. Board Member Per Diem as Per Policy 01.821
Ann Meyer
Actions Taken

Order #2499 - Motion Passed:  Approval to donate stipends for the regular monthly meetings into a special fund for targeted purposes to be identified by the Board passed with a motion by Mrs. Sarah Foster and a second by Mr. Jeff Beach.

Member Votes
Mr. Jeff Beach Yes
Mr. Clem Fennell IV Yes
Mrs. Sarah Foster Yes
Mrs. Julie Kuhnhein Yes
Mrs. Ann Meyer Yes
II.A.4. Appointment of Board Members to Committees
Ann Meyer
Actions Taken

Order #2500 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the 2024 Board Committees List passed with a motion by Mrs. Julie Kuhnhein and a second by Mr. Clem Fennell IV.

Member Votes
Mr. Jeff Beach Yes
Mr. Clem Fennell IV Yes
Mrs. Sarah Foster Yes
Mrs. Julie Kuhnhein Yes
Mrs. Ann Meyer Yes
II.B. Highlands Roof Replacement
Jerry Wissman
II.B.1. Project Update
Jerry Wissman

Jerry Wissman shared the roof project is 98% complete, and the remaining work will be completed in the spring, subject to the weather. 

II.B.2. Change Order #1
Jerry Wissman
Actions Taken

Order #2501 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Change Order #1 in the amount of $30,915.00 for the Highlands Roof Replacement project passed with a motion by Mrs. Julie Kuhnhein and a second by Mr. Clem Fennell IV.

Member Votes
Mr. Jeff Beach Yes
Mr. Clem Fennell IV Yes
Mrs. Sarah Foster Yes
Mrs. Julie Kuhnhein Yes
Mrs. Ann Meyer Yes
II.B.3. Imbus Roofing Pay Application #7
Actions Taken

Order #2502 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Pay Application #7 to Imbus Roofing in the amount of $51,335.90 for the Highlands Roof Replacement project passed with a motion by Mrs. Sarah Foster and a second by Mr. Jeff Beach.

Member Votes
Mr. Jeff Beach Yes
Mr. Clem Fennell IV Yes
Mrs. Sarah Foster Yes
Mrs. Julie Kuhnhein Yes
Mrs. Ann Meyer Yes
II.C. Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract (GESC)
Jerry Wissman
II.C.1. Project Update
Jerry Wissman

Jerry Wissman provided the Board with an update, noting that CMTA is working with Comfort Systems to fine tune the controls settings in each building.  He shared the district is seeing a savings on utility bills each month.

II.C.2. CMTA Pay Application #10
Jerry Wissman
Actions Taken

Order #2503 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Pay Application #10 to CMTA, Inc. in the amount of $74,241.90 for the Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract program passed with a motion by Mr. Clem Fennell IV and a second by Mrs. Julie Kuhnhein.

Member Votes
Mr. Jeff Beach Yes
Mr. Clem Fennell IV Yes
Mrs. Sarah Foster Yes
Mrs. Julie Kuhnhein Yes
Mrs. Ann Meyer Yes
II.D. Draft Working Budget for 2024-25 School Year
Brian Robinson
Actions Taken

Order #2504 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Draft Working Budget for the 2024-25 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Jeff Beach and a second by Mrs. Sarah Foster.

Member Votes
Mr. Jeff Beach Yes
Mr. Clem Fennell IV Yes
Mrs. Sarah Foster Yes
Mrs. Julie Kuhnhein Yes
Mrs. Ann Meyer Yes
II.E. Cleaning Services Pilot - First Green Building Services
Brian Robinson
Actions Taken

Order #2505 - Motion Passed:  Approval to authorize the superintendent to enter into a cleaning services pilot agreement with First Green Building Services at Woodfill Elementary passed with a motion by Mrs. Julie Kuhnhein and a second by Mr. Clem Fennell IV.

Member Votes
Mr. Jeff Beach Yes
Mr. Clem Fennell IV Yes
Mrs. Sarah Foster Yes
Mrs. Julie Kuhnhein Yes
Mrs. Ann Meyer Yes
II.F. Tuition Rates for 2024-25 School Year
Brian Robinson

2024-2025 FTIS Tuition Schedule  DRAFT


In State

Out of State

Grades K-12




$300 monthly







Grades K-12


Grades K-12 Out of State



Additional Procedures

A non-refundable fee of $50 must be submitted with all tuition applications. Any new tuition student participating in athletics or a school sponsored extracurricular activity must pay a $250 non-refundable deposit before attending the first practice/event. All fees will be applied to tuition if the student actually attends a FTIS school.

Parents who have a history of three late payments will be required to pay tuition in full prior to the beginning of the school year. A general letter notifying all tuition parents of this change will be sent in mid-February to give them time to save money for an August payment.

Actions Taken

Order #2506 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the tuition rates for the 2024-25 school year for Grades K-12 at $3650 In State and $6700 Out of State, an additional tuition charge for Preschool of $300 per month, and to require a non-refundable application fee of $50 and continue the procedure to require a $250 non-refundable deposit for new tuition students to begin participation in athletics/extracurricular activities (All fees will be applied to tuition if the student attends an FTIS school) passed with a motion by Mrs. Sarah Foster and a second by Mrs. Julie Kuhnhein.

Member Votes
Mr. Jeff Beach Yes
Mr. Clem Fennell IV Yes
Mrs. Sarah Foster Yes
Mrs. Julie Kuhnhein Yes
Mrs. Ann Meyer Yes
III.A. Highlands Athletic Complex at Tower Park Renovation
Jerry Wissman
III.A.1. Project Update
Jerry Wissman

Jerry Wissman provided the Board with an update on Phase I, noting that Riegler has already cleared some of the brush and will be moving equipment in this week as the project progresses.  He shared that the communication sent out via the City of Fort Thomas was well received by the community.

III.B. Comprehensive District Improvement Plan (CDIP)
Keith Faust

Keith Faust presented an overview on Phase III of the CDIP to the Board, sharing the goals and objectives for each of the schools. 

III.C. Board Committee Updates
Ann Meyer

Julie Kuhnhein shared that the HHS Athletic Hall of Fame committee met and the member nomination process for 2024 is open until March 15.  She also shared that the FTEF deadline for Outstanding Support Staff nominations is Wednesday, January 10.

Ann Meyer shared that the Breakfast committee will be feeding staff for late arrival on Wednesday, January 17.

Ann Meyer
Actions Taken

Order #2507 - Motion Passed:  With all Board members having had the opportunity to review and pursue any questions about all of the items contained therein, approval of the consent agenda passed with a motion by Mrs. Sarah Foster and a second by Mr. Clem Fennell IV.

Member Votes
Mr. Jeff Beach Yes
Mr. Clem Fennell IV Yes
Mrs. Sarah Foster Yes
Mrs. Julie Kuhnhein Yes
Mrs. Ann Meyer Yes
IV.A. Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 11, 2023 and Working Board Meeting of January 4, 2024
IV.B. Financial Report for Month of December 2023
IV.C. Food Service Report for Month of December 2023
IV.D. Attendance Report for 4th Month of 2023-24
IV.E. District Technology Report - 2nd Quarter
IV.F. Authorization for Payment of Claims
IV.G. Revised Salary Schedule 2023-24
IV.G.1. Extra Service Salary Schedule 2023-24
IV.H. Revised Job Description
IV.H.1. Instructional Assistant - Special Education
IV.I. Notification and Approval of Student Trips
IV.I.1. HHS Choir - Louisville, KY - February 7-10, 2024
IV.I.2. HHS Strings - Louisville, KY - February 7-10, 2024
IV.I.3. HMS Choir - Louisville, KY - February 7-8, 2024
IV.I.4. MES Choir - Louisville, KY - February 7-8, 2024
IV.I.5. WES Choir - Louisville, KY - February 7-8, 2024
IV.I.6. HHS Cheer - Orlando, FL - February 8-12, 2024
IV.J. Personnel Action Taken Since December 11, 2023

Employment of the following Extra-Curricular Positions
Bethany Howard – Girls on the Run Co-Sponsor – MES
Jenny Miller Horn – Girls on the Run Co-Sponsor – MES

Employment of the following Paraprofessional Employees
Brian Benzinger – Baseball Freshman Coach – HHS
Austin Bryant – Baseball Assistant Coach – HHS
Braden Hermes – Football Assistant Coach – HHS

Resignation of the following Classified Employee
Jason Sullivan – Custodian – WES

Resignation of the following Paraprofessional Employees
Austin Bryant – Baseball JV Coach – HHS
Andy Raaker – Baseball Assistant Coach – HHS

Request for Medical Leave
Olivia Bryant – 04/11/2024 – 06/01/2024 – JES

Ann Meyer
Ann Meyer

Board Chair Ann Meyer adjourned the meeting at 7:34pm.