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2015 KSBA Annual Conference - "Kentucky Public Schools: The Courage to Lead"
It's time for KSBA's 79th Annual Conference! Get ready to network with colleagues from across the state and participate in informative workshops and general sessions designed to enhance your school board service.
You won't want to miss what we have planned for this year's event!
All sessions are open to all board members, regardless of experience and qualify for Academy of Studies (A/S) general elective credit unless otherwise noted.
Registrants should pre-register for each workshop they plan to attend, as this helps ensure workshops are assigned to rooms of sufficient size to accommodate interest. Please note that conference workshops are available on a first come, first served basis and pre-registration is not a guarantee that a seat will be available. (Pre-conference sessions are guaranteed with advance registration).
Pre-conference Workshops, Friday, February 27 (3 hours training credit)
9:00AM - 12:00PM - Fee: $35.00 | A1 Practical Parliamentary Procedure (Breathitt, 2nd Floor)
When used appropriately, parliamentary procedure can turn your school board meetings into the efficient, civil, decision-making events you only dreamed were possible. But a good board leader doesn’t need to know every detail of Robert’s Rules of Order to manage meetings effectively. This session reviews the basics of the rules that apply to boards, covers strategies for moving on when discussion bogs down, and tells you how to handle challenges to the process. This session is a must for board chairs or anyone who hopes to be one someday.
9:00AM - 12:00PM - Fee: $35.00 | A2 All Together Now! (Adair - Johnson, French, 3rd floor), (Kenton - Woodford, Segell, 3rd floor) (Counts toward mandated ethics, finance and superintendent training requirement)
Looking for a convenient way to earn credit in the mandated topics of ethics, finance and superintendent evaluation? Attend this session to learn important information while working toward meeting annual requirements. Special one-hour versions of these workshops are included: • Social Media, School Leaders and Ethics (Counts toward mandated ethics training requirement) • Finance II: Dollars and Sense (Counts toward mandated finance training requirement) • The Board and the New Superintendent Evaluation Process (Counts toward mandated superintendent evaluation training requirement)
Open to board members of any length of service and especially convenient for members who need only one hour of each topic to meet their annual requirements.
9:00AM - 12:00PM - Fee: $35.00 | A3 The Perfect Interview (Collins, 2nd floor) (A/S Level V required course)
Don't you just love it when a reporter calls? How successful are you at getting quoted on the points you want to make? You can take greater control of media interviews by following the practical steps covered in this seminar. Issues include developing your talking points, drawing the reporter's attention to your emphasis, getting coverage of positive items at board meetings, "off the record," getting errors corrected and much more. For administrators and board chairpersons and members with frequent contacts by reporters.
9:00AM - 12:00PM - Fee: $35.00 | A4 Fiscal Fitness Boot Camp (Carroll Ford, 2nd floor) (Counts toward mandated finance training requirement)
Hup two three four! Get those financial muscles toned and ready for action! Fiscal management is more than just passing a tax rate and approving the budget. It’s also the job of the school board to make sure that the right programs are funded, that purchasing procedures are followed to get the best product for the cost, that funds are invested wisely for the best return, that assets are properly insured, and, in general, that all funds are properly managed. This special three-hour session combines the newly revised School Board Fiscal Responsibilities – Part I and Part II sessions with information on setting tax rates.
Great for board members of any length of service and especially convenient for members who need three hours of finance to meet their annual requirements.
9:00AM - 12:00PM - Fee: $35.00 | A5 (7th Annual Joe England School Safety Seminar) School Crisis Management- The First 30 Seconds (Brown, 2nd floor)
In an emergency, the first 30 seconds are critical in the decision-making process. The First 30 Seconds training tool by Safe Havens International is for school board members, superintendents, principals, teachers, transportation supervisors and office personnel. It explores district policies, procedures and guidelines for addressing crisis situations. The school and transportation crisis situation video scenarios used in this session include violent intruders, child custody disputes, angry people, medical emergencies and more. This session focuses on preparedness and "stress inoculation" to quickly respond in an emergency.
Opening Session, Friday, February 27 (1.5 hours training credit)
1:00PM - 3:00PM | Keeping Your Team in Tune (Grand Ballroom, 2nd floor) As a former Nashville songwriter and current Sirius XM radio personality on Blue Collar Radio, Patrick Henry knows how to engage communities. And he believes the same keys that make artists great can also make your team shine. In this hilarious and informative session, Henry will share three ways to keep a team in tune to have customers, community and employees singing your district’s praises.
Prior to the keynote will be remarks by Kentucky Education Commissioner Terry Holliday. |
Clinic Session A, Friday, February 27 (1.25 hours training credit)
3:15PM - 4:30PM | A6 New Opportunities to Promote School Readiness (Nunn, 2nd floor) (A/S Level II required topic “Student Learning & Support Services”)
Thanks to a newly secured federal grant and recent developments at the state level, Kentucky’s education leaders have unprecedented opportunities to improve the school readiness rates of their youngest students. This workshop explains these latest developments and provides strategies that fit into the leadership roles of the local board.
3:15PM - 4:30PM | A7 Social Media, School Leaders and Ethics (Repeated as B7, C7 and D7) (French, 3rd floor) (A/S Level I required topic “Ethics”; counts toward mandated ethics training requirement)
School and district leaders have a greater ability to connect with students, parents, staff and other stakeholders, thanks to the growing use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter. But social media outlets carry their own sets of challenges, especially on the ethical management of district and personal use. This course introduces participants to the basics of social media, ethical problems and opportunities for leaders and their districts.
3:15PM - 4:30PM | A8 Behavioral Health Matters: Policy, Program and Practice-Level Changes that Impact Career Readiness (Sampson, 1st floor) (A/S Level III required topic “Student Health & Wellness”)
Limited access to mental health and substance use services has hurt the well-being of Kentucky’s students, but this is changing. This interactive session explores why behavioral health is important to educational success, policy changes to increase access to services, and a school district’s approach to help with early identification.
3:15PM - 4:30PM | A9 A Financial Moment with MUNIS Reports (Repeated as B9) (Carroll Ford, 2nd floor) (A/S – Level III Required Topic “School Finance”; counts toward mandated finance training requirement)
Mystified by MUNIS? This session will dissect the two financial reports that KDE requires all districts to post to their district website – the Monthly Financial Report and the Balance Sheet. Attendees will also see examples of reports that finance officers use as monthly board presentations to summarize the financial transactions for the reporting month.
3:15PM - 4:30PM | A10 Floyd County Schools: Becoming a District of Distinction (Breathitt, 2nd floor) Ranked 12th in the state and a 2014 District of Distinction, the Floyd County school system promotes academic excellence by focusing on student-centered learning, naming and claiming all students, and developing and implementing district-wide initiatives. Topics include Plan of Excellence, school reviews/visits and digital conversion.
3:15PM - 4:30PM | A11 The Courage to Engage Families and Community (Segell, 3rd floor) (A/S Level I required topic “Staff/Media/Community Relations”)
Interact with and learn from Kentucky school board members who actively engage families and community members to improve student achievement. The session includes a panel discussion about the Governor’s Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership, which provides training to give participants the courage to lead all stakeholders in the work of schools.
3:15PM - 4:30PM | A12 Technology Funding: Myths and Essential Questions (Collins, 2nd floor) (A/S Level II required topic “Student Learning & Support Services”)
School board members focus on funding, policies and making sure their decisions have a positive impact on instruction, student learning and assessment results. This session focuses on what boards need to know and the questions to ask that can help make or break the success of technology that is deployed within schools.
3:15PM - 4:30PM | A13 Students: Authentic Leadership Partners (Brown, 2nd floor) Districts and schools could learn much from listening to students – their school experiences, interests and desires for learning or perspectives on policy, programs and practices. For 13 years Boone County Schools has been doing just that, as its board was the first in the state to have a student representative. Attendees learn how the Superintendent’s Advisory Council provides expanded student leadership opportunities, how student voice has made an impact, and new leadership in project-based learning.
3:15PM - 4:30PM | A14 Superintendent Employment and Contract Terms (Combs Chandler, 2nd floor) (A/S Level II required topic “Superintendent Selection”)
Your board just hired a new superintendent. Now what? How does a board go about giving the current superintendent another contract? Get the answers to these questions and more in this KSBA training session. This workshop provides insight into the statutes and regulations, basic elements and best practices in developing a superintendent's contract.
3:15PM - 4:30PM | A15 Risk Management and Controlling Risks (Wilkinson, 1st floor) (A/S Level III required topic “Liability Issues, Insurance & Risk Management”)
This session will enhance understanding of risk exposures, identifying risks that affect losses and consequently, premiums. Presenters will review scenarios for implementing proactive risk management, using school staff, insurance agency risk management and the district’s insurance carrier. The focus will be on establishing a zero-accident culture that protects students and staff.
3:15PM - 4:30PM | A16 What Board Members Need to Know about the Kentucky High School Athletics Association (Laffoon, 1st floor) Join KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett and KSBA staff as they share important information that board members need to know about KHSAA and athletic programs in school districts. New legislative changes will also be reviewed for their effect on board policies and district athletic programs.
Trade Show Reception, Friday, February 27
4:30PM - 5:15PM | A special opportunity for you to visit with the exhibitors while enjoying refreshments (Exhibit Hall, 2nd floor) Exhibit Hall (2nd floor) |
Continental Breakfast, Saturday, February 28
7:15AM - 8:00AM | Start your day visiting with colleagues and exhibitors (Exhibit Hall, 2nd floor) Exhibit Hall (2nd floor) |
Clinic Session B, Saturday, February 28 (1.25 hours training credit)
8:00AM - 9:15AM | B1 Supporting Healthy Learners through Policy and Practice (Laffoon, 1st floor) (A/S Level III required topic “Student Health & Wellness”)
Progressive school districts across the state understand the research linking health outcomes with college and career readiness strategies. Hear how those districts have implemented wellness policy change that is aligned to program review accountability measures. Learn their successes and how they overcame barriers.
8:00AM - 9:15AM | B2 Finance Report Card (Repeated as C2) (Carroll Ford, 2nd floor) (A/S – Level III Required Topic “School Finance”; counts toward mandated finance training requirement)
The School Report Card has provided all education stakeholders with detailed information on demographics, test performance, teacher qualifications and much more. Now, the district financial information is included. This session will focus on what district leaders will have ready access to in terms of not only their own financial information but that of all districts across Kentucky.
8:00AM - 9:15AM | B3 Dealing with Mavericks, Malcontents, and Mutineers (Brown, 2nd floor) In this interactive session, attendees learn some quick strategies to understand and work with difficult people – in and out of the board room. |
8:00AM - 9:15AM | B4 Speak Up with the Courage to Lead (Collins, 2nd floor) Effectiveness as a board member or administrator is directly connected to the ability to speak well in public, to media, and interpersonally. This workshop addresses simple, easy ways to organize thoughts quickly and to speak with confidence, clarity and skill when addressing groups, media and individuals.
8:00AM - 9:15AM | B5 The Board and the New Superintendent Evaluation Process (Repeated as C5 and D5) (Segell, 3rd floor) (A/S Level II Required Topic “Superintendent Evaluation”; counts toward mandated superintendent evaluation training requirement)
During the 2014-2015 school year, school board members were asked to become familiar with the new superintendent evaluation system developed by a statewide committee working with the education department. This session explains the process for effective evaluation that uses a continuous improvement model, as well as the standards in the Superintendent Leadership Plan that is part of the new system. Discussions will focus on the evaluation instrument, performance levels and examples of evidence of performance.
8:00AM - 9:15AM | B6 Performance-Based Credit Policy: Making Learning as Important as Seat Time (Nunn, 2nd floor) (A/S Level III required topic “Curriculum & Instruction”)
For almost two decades, Kentucky has had an administrative regulation allowing for performance-based credit and a corresponding regulation allowing the district to receive average daily attendance credit for performance-based credits. But beyond credit recovery, school districts seldom take advantage of this option. This session provides guidance and examples of how to make the regulation work and create or modify district policy to better serve the needs of students.
8:00AM - 9:15AM | B7 Social Media, School Leaders and Ethics (Repeat of A7, Repeated as C7 and D7) (French, 3rd floor) (A/S Level I required topic “Ethics”; counts toward mandated ethics training requirement)
School and district leaders have a greater ability to connect with students, parents, staff and other stakeholders, thanks to the growing use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter. But social media outlets carry their own sets of challenges, especially on the ethical management of district and personal use. This course introduces participants to the basics of social media, ethical problems and opportunities for leaders and their districts.
8:00AM - 9:15AM | B8 Shared Leadership (Combs Chandler, 2nd floor) (A/S Level III required topic “Leadership Through Teamwork”)
This session will show board members strategies for working with their board/superintendent team and discuss their unique roles in promoting a culture of shared leadership in the district.
8:00AM - 9:15AM | B9 A Financial Moment with MUNIS Reports (Repeat of A9) (Wilkinson, 1st floor) (A/S – Level III Required Topic “School Finance”; counts toward mandated finance training requirement)
Mystified by MUNIS? This session will dissect the two financial reports that KDE requires all districts to post to their district website – the Monthly Financial Report and the Balance Sheet. Attendees will also see examples of reports that finance officers use as monthly board presentations to summarize the financial transactions for the reporting month.
8:00AM - 9:15AM | B10 Congratulations! You Made the Team (Breathitt, 2nd floor) (A/S Level I required course)
This session is designed to provide new board members with an overview of the skills and knowledge necessary to become effective members of their district Board / Superintendent Team. (Includes student achievement, policy making, finance and facilities, superintendents, leadership and community engagement).
8:00AM - 9:15AM | B11 Legislative Update 2015 (Sampson, 1st floor)
(A/S Level III required topic “Legislative Issues/Current Topics”)
Join this session for a presentation and discussion of the 2015 session of the General Assembly. Participants will get an update on legislation and the behind-the-scenes inside scoop about bills, funding and other legislative priorities. They also will receive the latest materials and information about KSBA Grassroots programs.
Plenary Session, Saturday, February 28 (1 hour training credit)
9:30AM - 10:45AM | Leadership Isn't for Cowards (Grand Ballroom, 2nd floor) It takes real courage to stand firm in what you believe, to get others to understand what really matters and to be able to execute effectively. Mike Staver’s session offers straightforward, practical advice for leading courageously and driving performance – while also creating a great place to work and learn. Learn the three most important steps you will ever take, the three things every leader can to do ensure leadership failure, the power of commitment and more.
The Dupree Superintendent of the Year Award will also be presented during this session. |
Exhibitor Visitation, Board Team Networking, Book Signing, Saturday, February 28
10:45AM - 11:30AM | Take advantage of this time before the luncheon to visit the trade show, network with colleagues or get a book signed by the morning's keynote speaker, Mike Staver. Main Hallway, 2nd floor ballroom |
Luncheon Session, Saturday, February 28 (1 hour training credit)
11:30AM - 1:15PM - Fee: $25.00 | Luncheon (1 hour training credit) (Grand Ballroom, 2nd floor) Enjoy food and fellowship and a lineup of great activites - including remarks by KSBA's new executive director, Mike Armstrong, presentation of the First Degree student scholarship awards, and meet the recipients of this year's Proudfood Outstanding School Board Member and Friend of Education awards. Extra Adult ticket fee: $25.00 Extra Child ticket fee: $25.00 |
11:30AM - 1:15PM | Luncheon (1 hour training credit) Enjoy food and fellowship and a lineup of great activities - including remarks by KSBA's new executive director, Mike Armstrong, presentation of the First Degree student scholarship awards, and meet the recipients of this year's Proudfood Outstanding School Board Member and Friend of Education awards. Extra Adult ticket fee: $25.00 Extra Child ticket fee: $25.00 |
Business Session, Saturday, February 28 (.5 hour training credit)
1:15PM - 1:45PM | Annual Business Session (.5 hour training credit) (Grand Ballroom, 2nd floor) Following the luncheon, stay for KSBA's annual business session and meet your incoming officers and directors. (Participants not attending the luncheon are welcome to attend the business session). |
Clinic Session C, Saturday, February 28 (1.25 hours training credit)
2:00PM - 3:15PM | C1 Creating and Maintaining an Effective Board/Superintendent Working Relationship (Wilkinson, 1st floor) (A/S Level II required topic “Board/Superintendent Relations”)
Come hear a discussion on best practices around a healthy and productive superintendent/board relationship, including pitfalls to avoid and helpful tips to consider in creating and maintaining the TEAM approach. The interactive session looks at this issue from both the superintendent’s viewpoint and the board members’ viewpoint.
2:00PM - 3:15PM | C2 Finance Report Card (Repeat of B2) (Nunn, 2nd floor) (A/S – Level III Required Topic “School Finance”; counts toward mandated finance training requirement)
The School Report Card has provided all education stakeholders with detailed information on demographics, test performance, teacher qualifications and much more. Now, the district financial information is included. This session will focus on what district leaders will have ready access to in terms of not only their own financial information but that of all districts across Kentucky.
2:00PM - 3:15PM | C3 Informing the Community about District Results (Breathitt, 2nd floor) (A/S Level I required topic “Staff/Media/Community Relations”)
Informing the community is more than just a good public relations program. Effective communication requires the board to fully inform its community about district results. Attend this session to learn more about best practices for informing the community about student performance and progress toward district goals, using the district’s website as a communication tool.
2:00PM - 3:15PM | C4 At the PEAK of Success (Stopher, 3rd floor) Take a look at the innovations that won KSBA’s two 2014 PEAK (Public Education Achieves in Kentucky) Awards. Learn how Ballard County Schools saw its college and career readiness rate skyrocket after it implemented strategies that included overhauling its tech center. And find out how the Montgomery County district increased opportunities for music education for students – and boosted academic achievement – despite budget cuts. |
2:00PM - 3:15PM | C5 The Board and the New Superintendent Evaluation Process (Repeat of B5, repeated as D5) (Carroll Ford, 2nd floor) (A/S Level II Required Topic “Superintendent Evaluation”; counts toward mandated superintendent evaluation training requirement)
During the 2014-2015 school year, school board members were asked to become familiar with the new superintendent evaluation system developed by a statewide committee working with the education department. This session explains the process for effective evaluation that uses a continuous improvement model, as well as the standards in the Superintendent Leadership Plan that is part of the new system. Discussions will focus on the evaluation instrument, performance levels and examples of evidence of performance.
2:00PM - 3:15PM | C6 Capital Funding (Combs Chandler) (A/S – Level III Required Topic “School Finance”; counts toward mandated finance training requirement)
Would you like to know how funds are generated for Building Fund and Capital Outlay Fund? Would you like to know what restrictions are applied to these funds? Come and learn the details for capital funds. In this session you will also hear an overview about the capital funds request form and how to use these funds for operating expenses. It will also give you an overview of bonding capacity and issuing bonds.
2:00PM - 3:15PM | C7 Social Media, School Leaders and Ethics (Repeat of A7 and B7, Repeated as D7) (French, 3rd floor) (A/S Level I required topic “Ethics”; counts toward mandated ethics training requirement)
School and district leaders have a greater ability to connect with students, parents, staff and other stakeholders, thanks to the growing use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter. But social media outlets carry their own sets of challenges, especially on the ethical management of district and personal use. This course introduces participants to the basics of social media, ethical problems and opportunities for leaders and their districts.
2:00PM - 3:15PM | C8 What the Board Needs to Know About Activity Fund Money (Repeated as D8) (Segell, 3rd floor) (A/S – Level III Required Topic “School Finance”; counts toward mandated finance training requirement)
This session identifies the policies in the Kentucky Department of Education’s Accounting Procedures for Kentucky School Activity Funds handbook (aka the Redbook) that board members need to be familiar with to ensure proper oversight of school activity fund money.
2:00PM - 3:15PM | C9 School Board Member Legal Obligations and Prohibitions (Laffoon, 1st floor) (A/S – Level III Required Topic “Legal Issues”)
Come join an experienced school board attorney to get information on how to stay out of legal trouble. Kentucky public school districts and school boards are heavily regulated at both the state and federal level. This session will delineate what school board members can and cannot require superintendents and school councils to do. The board’s policy role, employees and independent contractors, and legal conflicts of interest also are covered.
2:00PM - 3:15PM | C10 Effective Facilitation Skills – Navigating Through Smooth and Choppy Waters (Brown, 2nd floor) (A/S – Level I Required Topic “School Board Meetings”)
The board chairman is responsible for ensuring that board meeting discussions stay on track and result in effective board decisions. This session teaches basic facilitation techniques not found in Roberts’ Rules of Order that can be used to effectively guide board discussion and address situations that could prevent the board from accomplishing its business.
2:00PM - 3:15PM | C11 eMeeting – Stand with Technology (Collins, 2nd floor) Take a stand with 100 other KSBA eMeeting subscribers leading the way with technology to save money, time and resources. See a demonstration of new and improved features, including electronic voting and annual goal-tracking that is useful for superintendent evaluation artifacts. eMeeting can be viewed on computers, laptops, most tablets and smartphones. |
2:00PM - 3:15PM | C12 Alternative Fuels: Real-World Experiences and Costs (Sampson, 1st floor) (A/S – Level II Required Topic “School Facilities”)
Costs, environmental impact and sustainability are key considerations in selecting a fuel source for transportation and maintenance. This session provides insight into both the up-front and long-term costs and applications to consider when comparing fuel sources, giving attendees the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.
Clinic Session D, Saturday, February 28 (1.25 hours training credit)
3:30PM - 4:45PM | D1 Legal Orientation (Stopher, 2nd floor) (A/S Level II required course)
Come learn what every new school board member needs to understand about the statutory and legal environment in which boards operate. The session, presented by KSBA staff attorneys, includes topics such as: the Open Meetings Act, board member conflicts of interest, the various legal responsibilities of the board, the role of the superintendent, board minutes and the Open Records Act.
3:30PM - 4:45PM | D2 “Bang for your Buck” – Rewarding Staff Attendance and KPREP Performance (Laffoon, 1st floor) Newport Independent Schools suffered poor staff attendance, low test scores and no raises for staff in three years. In response, the board/superintendent team developed a deferred compensation match program for employees, in which the match is given only if attendance and/or KPREP goals are met. The result? Last year attendance and test scores significantly improved. |
3:30PM - 4:45PM | D3 Tight Budgets, Leaky Roofs, Failing HVAC Equipment: What’s a Board Member To Do? (Nunn, 2nd floor) (A/S – Level II Required Topic “School Facilities”)
With significant facility needs and no capital funds or other money available, what does a board do to ensure the best learning environment for students? Nickel tax? Contributions? Performance contracting may be a good option. Learn the questions to ask before voting yes.
3:30PM - 4:45PM | D4 Blurring the Lines Beween Secondary and Postsecondary Education (Collins, 2nd floor) The Hardin County Early College and Career Center (EC3) is an extraordinary collaboration among school board members, students, teachers, administrators and community business leaders who worked together and forged partnerships to create programs that would blur the lines between secondary and postsecondary education. Come learn how these unique program requirements resulted in a first-of-its-kind building and how the construction of a building can be arranged around innovative programs. |
3:30PM - 4:45PM | D5 The Board and the New Superintendent Evaluation Process (Repeat of B5 and C5) (Carroll Ford, 2nd floor) (A/S Level II Required Topic “Superintendent Evaluation”; counts toward mandated superintendent evaluation training requirement)
During the 2014-2015 school year, school board members were asked to become familiar with the new superintendent evaluation system developed by a statewide committee working with the education department. This session explains the process for effective evaluation that uses a continuous improvement model, as well as the standards in the Superintendent Leadership Plan that is part of the new system. Discussions will focus on the evaluation instrument, performance levels and examples of evidence of performance.
3:30PM - 4:45PM | D6 Measuring Student Growth in 21st Century Skills for PGES (Brown, 2nd floor) Learn how Boyle County is using literacy and math design collaboratives, and project-based learning to measure student growth in 21st century skills in the PGES process. This “deeper learning” approach has led to tremendous gains district-wide in students’ abilities to think critically, communicate, collaborate, solve problems and demonstrate all the skills that students need to be successful. |
3:30PM - 4:45PM | D7 Social Media, School Leaders and Ethics (Repeat of A7, B7 and C7) (French, 3rd floor) (A/S Level I required topic “Ethics”; counts toward mandated ethics training requirement)
School and district leaders have a greater ability to connect with students, parents, staff and other stakeholders, thanks to the growing use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter. But social media outlets carry their own sets of challenges, especially on the ethical management of district and personal use. This course introduces participants to the basics of social media, ethical problems and opportunities for leaders and their districts.
3:30PM - 4:45PM | D8 What the Board Needs to Know About Activity Fund Money (Repeat of C8) (Segell, 3rd floor) (A/S – Level III Required Topic “School Finance”; Counts toward mandated finance training requirement)
This session identifies the policies in the Kentucky Department of Education’s Accounting Procedures for Kentucky School Activity Funds handbook (aka the Redbook) that board members need to be familiar with to ensure proper oversight of school activity fund money.
President's Reception, Saturday, February 28
5:15PM - 6:00PM | Enjoy complimentary hors-d'oeuvres and soft drinks prior to dinner on your own. Cash bar available. (Grand Ballroom, 2nd floor) Ballroom, 2nd floor |
5:00PM - 5:45PM | Enjoy complimentary hors-d'oeuvres and soft drinks prior to dinner on your own. Cash bar available. need |
Student-Led Devotional, Sunday, March 1
7:30AM - 8:00AM | Everyone is welcome to attend our student-led devotional. (Carroll Ford, 2nd floor) (Guests are also welcome) |
Brunch Session, Sunday, March 1 (1.25 hours training credit)
8:30AM - 10:15AM - Fee: $22.00 | Turn the Page: The Manny Scott Story (Grand Ballroom, 2nd floor) By age 16, Manny Scott’s story was almost over. His father was incarcerated, he dropped out of school at age 14, lived in 26 places by age 16 and his best friend was brutally murdered. Scott sensed that he was nearing the end of his life, but a connection with a stranger on a park bench helped him turn the page. He returned to school with a new attitude and purpose and ended up in Erin Gruwell’s English class – a group now known worldwide as the Freedom Writers, portrayed in the 2007 hit movie. In this moving and inspiring session, learn about Scott’s journey since then to equip people to reach others who seem unreachable. Extra Adult ticket fee: $22.00 Extra Child ticket fee: $22.00 |