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April 23, 2015 Regional Cooperative Training (Western Kentucky Educational Cooperative) Conference Center
Since the revised regulation that governs school board training went into effect in January 2014, KSBA has been working hard to create a variety of strategies to allow school board members to meet the new topical requirements of ethics, finance and superintendent evaluation training.

One important way we can connect to our members, and connect them to each other, is through regional training options. To do this, we are pleased to announce a partnership with each of the education cooperatives across the state. These convenient sessions provide special one-hour versions of workshops that meet the annual requirements for ethics, finance and superintendent evaluation training, while allowing members to choose only the sessions they need or want.

Session A
5:00PM - 6:00PM
- Fee: $40.00
Setting Tax Rates Made Easy
Every school board is required to set an annual tax rate - but not every board member enjoys doing it. Learn the nuts and bolts needed to tackle this challenge with confidence.

Session B
6:00PM - 7:00PMBoard & New Superintendent Evaluation Process
During the 2014-2015 school year, school board members were asked to become familiar with the new superintendent evaluation system (SPGES-Superintendent Professional Growth and Effectiveness System) developed by a statewide committee working with the education department. This session explains the process for effective evaluation that uses a continuous improvement model, as well as the standards in the Superintendent Leadership Plan that is part of the new system. Discussions will focus on the evaluation instrument, performance levels and examples of evidence of performance.

Session C
7:00PM - 8:00PM
- Fee: $40.00
Social Media, School Leaders and Ethics
School and district leaders have a greater ability to connect with students, parents, staff and other stakeholders, thanks to the growing use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter. But social media outlets carry their own sets of challenges, especially on the ethical management of district and personal use. This course introduces participants to the basics of social media, ethical problems and opportunities for leaders and their districts.