Ohio County Fiscal Court
July 09, 2013 5:00 PM
Ohio County Fiscal Court
1. Call to Order-David Johnston
2. Prayer and Pledge by Henry Christ
3. Approve the Previous Minutes from June 25, 2013 as presented by Beverly Geary-Fiscal Court Clerk
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion made for the Court to approve the minutes from June 25, 2013 as presented by Beverly Geary-Fiscal Court Clerk passed with a motion by Larry Keown and a second by Kenny Autry.

4. Approve the Bills, Claims, Payments, and Transfers as presented by Anne Melton-County Treasurer
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion made for the Court to approve the bills, claims, payments and transfers as presented by Anne Melton-County Treasurer passed with a motion by Jason Bullock and a second by Brandon Thomas.

5. June 2013 Financial Statement

The June 2013 Financial Statement was presented by Anne Melton-County Treasurer.

6. Treasurer's Settlement for Fiscal Year 2012/2013
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion made to approve the Treasurer's Settlement for Fiscal Year 2012/2013 pending audit passed with a motion by Kenny Autry and a second by Jason Bullock.

7. 1st Reading Budget Amendment 2014-1
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion made for the Court to approve the 1st Reading of Budget Amendment 2014-1 passed with a motion by Larry Keown and a second by Jason Bullock.

8. Together We Care-Kelly Roe

Kelly Roe from Together We Care made a presentation to the Court about all the projects the organization is involved in also she talked about funding cuts made to their program.

9. Aron's Lane-William Ralph

Did not make a presentation to the Court.

10. Personnel-Road Department
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion made for the Court to approve a status change at the County Road Departmemt for Boby Westerfield, wage subsidy to Full-Time at $13.75 per hour effective July 14, 2013 passed with a motion by David Johnston and a second by Kenny Autry.

11. Personnel-Child Support Office
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion made for the Court to approve to hire Tara Ward Part-Time at the Child Support Office/County Attorney's Office, pay rate of $1,090.42 per month (with salary coming from both offices) effective July 7, 2013 passed with a motion by David Johnston and a second by Jason Bullock.

12. Personnel-Sheriff's Office
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion made for the Court to approve the status change hire of Justin Dockery from the Detention Center to the Sheriff's Office pay rate $12.50 per hour effective July 7, 2013 passed with a motion by David Johnston and a second by Kenny Autry.

13. Inter-Local Agreement (Resolution)-Republic Services
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion made for the Court to approve an Inter-Local Agreement (Resolution) with Republic Services pending an agreement allowing Ohio County septic pumpers being able to dispose at a rate of $20.00 or less per ton passed with a motion by Larry Keown and a second by Kenny Autry.

14. Resolution-Fordsville Post Office
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion made for the Court to approve the Letter of Support (Resolution) for keeping the Fordsville Post Office open passed with a motion by Larry Keown and a second by Kenny Autry.

15. Ohio County Tourism Commission Appointments
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion made for the Court to approve the appointment of James Casteel to the Ohio County Tourism Commission effective July 9, 2013 passed with a motion by David Johnston and a second by Larry Keown.

Motion Passed:  Motion made for the Court to approve the appointment of Terri Minton to the Ohio County Tourism Commission effective July 9, 2013 passed with a motion by David Johnston and a second by Larry Keown.

Motion Passed:  Motion made for the Court to approve the appointment of Debbie Boehmann to the Ohio County Tourism Commission effective July 9, 2013 passed with a motion by David Johnston and a second by Michael McKenney.

16. Assessment Board-Bess Ralph

No action taken.

17. Committee Reports (Appointments or Motions may occur) A. Heating/Air Committee
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion made for the Court to approve to advertise for bids on the Courthouse/Community Center heating and air service and maintenance passed with a motion by Brandon Thomas and a second by Larry Keown.

Motion Passed:  Motion made for the Court to approve to advertise to purchase a Fairway mower for the golf course passed with a motion by Jason Bullock and a second by Kenny Autry.

Motion Passed:  Motion made for the Court to approve the installation of a fire hydrant at Windy Hill Road on 505 for $5,391.00 and 80% of funds to come out of the Rural Waterline Fund and 20% to come out of Magistrate Larry Keown’s Discretionary Funds passed with a motion by Kenny Autry and a second by David Johnston.


JE David Johnston appointed (3) more people to the Road Weight Limit Committee: Donald Ford, Bobby Gary, and Steve Rogier.

He also formed another committee to look into parking spaced for the Courthouse those appointed were Bess Ralph, Jason Chinn, David Thompson and Brandon Thomas.

Magistrate Jason Bullock mentioned that the Animal Shelter has a new policy and procedure manual that will be on the agenda at the July 23 Court meeting. Also, he said the Golf Course Men's League on Tuesday nights have been so busy, they are running out of golf carts.

18. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion made for the Court to adjourn meeting passed with a motion by Larry Keown and a second by Kenny Autry.

19. Questions and Comments