April 19, 2023 8:30 AM
NKCES Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
I. Call to Order
Superintendent Misty Middleton
II. Roll Call
Superintendent Misty Middleton
III. Acknowledgment of Guests
Superintendent Misty Middleton
IV. Request Approval to Adopt the Agenda*
Superintendent Misty Middleton
V. Consent Agenda*
Superintendent Misty Middleton
V.A. Approval of Prior Minutes
Superintendent Misty Middleton
V.B. Approval of Treasurer's Report
Superintendent Misty Middleton
V.C. Personnel Report
Superintendent Misty Middleton
VI. PL Update and March Movie
CAO Melody Stacy
VII. Instructional Spotlight: SERTAC Opportunities, Ms. Kim Snowball
Mathematics Consultant, Kim Snowball
VIII. Communication Items and Discussion
Superintendent Misty Middleton
VIII.A. NKCES New Staff Introduction
Superintendent Misty Middleton
VIII.B. Advocacy Update
Superintendent Mike Borchers
VIII.C. NKU Update
Dean Ginni Fair
IX. New Business
Superintendent Misty Middleton
IX.A. RSP One Time Incentive Pay Memo*
RSP Principal, Stephanie Turner
IX.B. RSP Request to Add Additional Staffing Positions*
RSP Principal, Stephanie Turner
IX.C. Job Description: Procurement Manager*
Executive Director Amy Razor
IX.D. 2023-2024 Salary Schedule*
Executive Director Amy Razor
IX.E. Policy 03.175 &3.273 Modification Request
Executive Director Amy Razor
X. Acknowledgment of Written Reports from NKCES: Executive Director, Amy Razor
Executive Director Amy Razor
X.A. Executive Director NKCES
Executive Director Amy Razor
XI. Report Outs from State Agencies
Superintendent Misty Middleton
XI.A. KDE: Dr. Kelly Foster
Dr. Kelly Foster
XI.B. KASS: Dr. Jim Flynn
Dr. Jim Flynn
XI.C. KASA: Dr. Kathy Fields
Dr. Kathy Fields
XI.D. Director of Communications, Josh Schoulta
Director of Communications, Josh Shoulta
XII. Report Outs from Community/Business
Superintendent Misty Middleton
XII.A. NaviGo College and Career Prep/Learning Grove: Dr. Kathy Burkhardt
Dr. Kathy Burkhardt
XII.B. NKYEC: Dr. Randy Poe
Dr. Randy Poe
XIII. Motion for Adjournment*
Superintendent Misty Middleton