Moment of Silence
Welcome to the December 9, 2013, meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education.
Please join us for our traditional moment of silence.
The Pledge of Allegiance
Please join us for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Vision Statement
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the November 25, 2013, regular meeting are presented for your review and approval.
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the minutes of the November 25, 2013, regular meeting.
Order #2013-199 - Motion Passed: Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the minutes of the November 25, 2013, regular meeting. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Haddaway and a second by Mr. Chris Brady.
Recognitions and Resolutions
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education receive the recognitions and resolutions for December 9, 2013.
Order #2013-200 - Motion Passed: Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education receive the recognitions and resolutions for December 9, 2013. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. Chris Brady and a second by Mrs. Debbie Wesslund.
Recognition of Dawne Gee and WAVE-TV
On November 4, WAVE-TV joined in a partnership with the 15th District Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and the Jefferson County Public School (JCPS) District, in conjunction with WAMZ-FM and WHAS-AM, to kick off the Wear It Forward Coats for Kids Drive.
The coat drive began when WAVE-TV anchor Dawne Gee saw the need of our students and asked how she could help.
The Wear It Forward Coats for Kids Drive challenged and encouraged JCPS schools, Central Office departments, and the Louisville community to donate new and gently used winter coats and other winter apparel to help students in need.
Thousands of local children arrive at District schools with some of their most basic needs unmet, including suitable clothing for the fall and winter months.
Through the generous donations, efforts, and commitment from the schools, staff, and community partners like WAVE-TV, the 15th District PTA Clothing Assistance Program has helped tens of thousands of local families find the basic necessities needed to help District students to be successful in the classroom.
Submitted by: Christi Lanier-Robinson
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education recognize Dawne Gee and WAVE-TV for their outstanding commitment and contribution to the Wear It Forward Coats for Kids Drive.
Recognition of Communications Staff
Communications staff members were recognized and presented with 11 Outstanding Achievement in School Information Services (OASIS) Awards, including a top recognition—the Kentucky School Boards Association Sweepstakes Award—at an awards luncheon during the Annual Conference.
Communications staff received Distinguished Awards for the Ballard High School and Newburg Middle School Web sites, for two individual photographs of a Youth Performing Arts School (YPAS) performance and an Iroquois High School graduation, for a photo essay of a YPAS percussion performance, for the Parent Connection newsletter, and for Parent Connection eNews.
The staff also earned three Distinguished Awards for three videos—Raise the Bar, the June 2013 broadcast of Our Kids, and Creating an Investigative Reader—as well as an award for the Monday Memo Web site.
The OASIS Awards Program recognizes excellence in the field of school public relations and dedication to keeping the community informed about what’s happening in Kentucky’s public schools.
Submitted by: Christi Lanier-Robinson
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education recognize the District's Communications staff for earning 11 Outstanding Achievement in School Information Services (OASIS) Awards and the 2013 Sweepstakes Award from the Kentucky School Public Relations Association and the Kentucky School Boards Association.
Consent Calendar and Superintendent's Report
Persons requesting to address the Board on a specific agenda item will speak when that item is brought forward.
Speakers who have registered to address the Board of Education on agenda items will be called when that agenda item is brought forward.
Speakers who have registered to address the Board on non-agenda items are heard after the Board has conducted regular business, near the end of the meeting.
Each speaker is allowed three minutes to address the Board. At the end of 2–1/2 minutes, a bell will sound once. You will then have 30 seconds to finish your statement. At the end of three minutes, the bell will sound twice, indicating that your time is up.
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the consent calendar for December 9, 2013.
Order #2013-201 - Motion Passed: Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the consent calendar for December 9, 2013. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. David Jones and a second by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad.
Approval of Personnel Actions
Pursuant to KRS 160.380, it is my responsibility to report to the Board of Education routine personnel actions that I have taken that affect certified and classified employment.
These actions have been executed in compliance with all Board of Education policies and state and federal laws.
All positions are Board of Education approved positions.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education receive the attached report of personnel actions that she has taken per KRS 160.380.
Approval of Certified Leaves of Absence
Pursuant to Kentucky Revised Statutes, leaves of absence must be recommended by the superintendent and approved by the Board of Education.
The following personnel actions are in compliance with federal and state laws and Board policy regarding equal employment opportunities.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the requests for leaves of absence included in the attachment.
Approval of Field Trip Requests
This is a report of field trip requests submitted to the Board of Education for approval on December 9, 2013.
Administrative Regulation 702 KAR 5:060 requires that the use of common-carrier field trips be approved and cited in Board of Education minutes.
Also included are other field trips approved by the Superintendent per JCPS Policy IICA.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached report of field trip requests and receive a report of other field trips approved by the superintendent.
Approval of Project, BG–1 Form, and Assignment of Architect/Engineer for Food Service Phase 33 at Various Schools
This project shall address the replacement of various food service equipment at the District sites listed on the attachment. The project may also include electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and architectural modifications as required. Funding shall be from federal money.
Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al., and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.
The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the District’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the District.
The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of the attached resolution in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of this project. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the project, the assignment of John Phelps Engineering as the architect/engineer, and the BG–1 form for Food Service Phase 33 at Various Schools, for an estimated project cost of $1,391,786.
Approval of Project Completions and BG–4 Forms
Approval of Project Completion and BG–4 Form for 2013 Paving Package 1 at Various Schools for Flynn Brothers Contracting & Paving
On April 22, 2013, the Board of Education approved assigning the JCPS Facilities Planning Unit to prepare plans and specifications for Project VAR-13034.
On June 24, 2013, the Board approved awarding a contract to Flynn Brothers Contracting & Paving as the low bidder.
The JCPS Facility Planning Unit has made a final inspection and concluded that this contract is complete and final payment is due the contractor.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the project completion, BG–4 form, and final payment to Flynn Brothers Contracting & Paving for the 2013 Paving Package 1 at Various Schools, for a total construction cost of $20,548.
Approval of Project Completion and BG–4 Form for 2013 Paving Package 1 at Various Schools for MAC Construction & Excavating, Inc.
On April 22, 2013, the Board of Education approved assigning the JCPS Facilities Planning Unit to prepare plans and specifications for Project VAR-13034.
On June 24, 2013, the Board approved awarding a contract to MAC Construction & Excavating, Inc. as the low bidder.
The JCPS Facility Planning Unit has made a final inspection and concluded that this contract is complete and final payment is due the contractor.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the project completion, BG–4 form, and final payment to MAC Construction & Excavating, Inc. for the 2013 Paving Package 1 at Various Schools, for a total construction cost of $88,589.75.
Approval of Project Completion and BG–4 Form for 2013 Paving Package 1 at Various Schools for Riverside Paving & Contracting, Inc.
On April 22, 2013, the Board of Education approved assigning the JCPS Facilities Planning Unit to prepare plans and specifications for Project VAR-13034.
On June 24, 2013, the Board approved awarding a contract to Riverside Paving & Contracting, Inc. as the low bidder.
The JCPS Facility Planning Unit has made a final inspection and concluded that this contract is complete and final payment is due the contractor.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the project completion, BG–4 form, and final payment to Riverside Paving & Contracting, Inc. for the 2013 Paving Package 1 at Various Schools, for a total construction cost of $37,800.
Approval of Project Completion and BG–4 Form for 2013 Paving Package 2 at Various Schools for Riverside Paving & Contracting, Inc.
On April 22, 2013, the Board of Education approved assigning the JCPS Facilities Planning Unit to prepare plans and specifications for Project VAR-13035.
On June 24, 2013, the Board approved awarding a contract to Riverside Paving & Contracting, Inc. as the low bidder.
The JCPS Facility Planning Unit has made a final inspection and concluded that this contract is complete and final payment is due the contractor.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the project completion, BG–4 form, and final payment to Riverside Paving & Contracting, Inc. for the 2013 Paving Package 2 at Various Schools, for a total construction cost of $109,897.
Approval of Bid Tabulations
In accordance with KRS 45A.345-45A.460, these items represent the lowest and/or best bid for each respective item and/or group of items.
The proposals are public record and are on file for inspection in the Purchasing Department.
Copies of the above-referenced bid tabulations and amendments are also available on eMeeting.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the following bid tabulations: • Lunchroom Commodities (Warehouse Delivery); • Lunchroom Commodities (School Delivery); • Markerboards, Tackboards, Etc.; • Gases, Industrial/Welding and Supplies; • Electrical Supplies and Lighting (Line Item) Supplement; and • Plumbing Supplies and Equipment (Line Item) Supplement.
Acceptance of Purchase Order Report
This report is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept the attached report of purchase orders issued during the period of November 11 through November 24, 2013.
Acceptance of Voucher Report
This report is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept the attached report of vouchers paid during the period of November 11, through November 24, 2013.
Approval of Professional Services Contracts of $5,000 or More
In accordance with Board Policy 01.11 General Powers and Duties of the Board, professional services contracts of $5,000 or more require Board approval.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached professional services contracts of $5,000 or more.
Acceptance of Monthly Report of Professional Services Contracts of $5,000 or More
This report is provided per Board Policy 01.11 General Powers and Duties of the Board.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept the attached Monthly Report of Professional Services Contracts of $5,000 or More in place as of November 26, 2013.
Acceptance of Financial Report for Period Ended October 31, 2013
This report is provided to the Board per KRS 160.560 and Board Policy 04.31 Fiscal Accounting and Reporting.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education receive the attached financial report for the period ended October 31, 2013.
Acceptance of Donations
Brandeis Elementary School received $5,000 from the Amgen Foundation to purchase science texts aligned to Next Generation Science Standards and Lego Robotics kits.
Brooklawn Youth Services received a used 2002 KIA Optima, valued at $700, from Mike Siladi to be used for training. When the vehicle is no longer viable, it will be sold for scrap and the funds will be used to purchase tools and equipment for the automobile repair training program.
Cane Run Elementary School received $3,750 from the E.I du Pont de Nemours and Company to be used to purchase food and supplies for students in the Environmental Club and the Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Program.
Cane Run Elementary School also received $500 from Arkema Innovative Chemistry for science materials and $3,000 from the Community Foundation of Louisville, on behalf of Zoeller Company, for the Family Resource Center to purchase basic need items for students.
Churchill Park School received General Electric appliances (refrigerator, stove, microwave, and portable dishwasher) valued at $3,000. The appliances will be used in Functional Mental Disability classes for cooking lessons as part of life skills training.
Jeffersontown High School received $17,000 from the school's Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Parent Association for renovations and updates to the ROTC rifle range.
Jeffersontown High School also received $5,000 from the ebay Foundation to provide equipment and uniforms for the girls’ soccer team.
Lincoln Elementary Performing Arts School received $5,625 from the Louisville Orchestra Association to purchase instruments for the orchestra program.
Louisville Male High School received $66,000 from the Community Foundation of Louisville on behalf of David and Betty Jones. This donation was used to purchase items for three portable computer labs.
Minors Lane Elementary School received $200 from Vladyslava Glenn to purchase sensory activity items for the Autism classroom.
Nichols Bus Garage received an upgrade of a lift valued at $70,748 from Rotary Lift. The upgrade included replacing lifting jacks, power units, control panel, and wiring, and the installation of a remote pendant for lift operation.
Norton Elementary School received $1,500 from the Walmart Foundation and Facility #526. This donation will be used to purchase a subscription to Social Studies Weekly for the fifth-grade social studies class and three Samsung Galaxy Notes 10.1 for classrooms.
Rangeland Elementary School received eight Leapfrog LeapPad Ultra Kids Learning Tablets, eight Leapfrog headphones, and two Leapfrog application downloads from Donorschoose.Org valued at $1,500. The items will be used to create educational technology centers in classrooms.
Sanders Elementary School received $100 from the Humana Foundation to be used for instructional supplies, teacher resources, and field trips.
Southern High School received $650 from Larry and Carol Perkins to purchase tools and supplies for the Auto Collision Training Program.
Valley High School received archery equipment including bows, arrows, repair kits, and bow racks valued at $4,510 from Louisville Gas and Electric Co. These items are for students to train for archery competitions.
Wellington Elementary Family Resource Center received $3,000 from the Community Foundation of Louisville on behalf of the Zoeller Company. This donation will be used for after-school programs to promote health and educational enrichment for students.
Waggener High School received $500 from Apollo Oil to be used to support the baseball team.
Waggener High School also received $1,000 from Allstate Insurance Company to support the athletic program.
Submitted by: Dr. Robert J. Rodosky
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept donations totaling $193,283 to be used as stated in the rationale.
Acceptance of Funding from the Jefferson County Public Education Foundation
Jefferson County Public Schools received $78,000 from the Jefferson County Public Education Foundation through the following donors:
The Academy @ Shawnee, Fern Creek Traditional High School, Moore Traditional School, Valley High School, Waggener High School, and Western High School received the following donations, which represents the 2012–13 commitment of matching funds in support of the Investing In Innovation Making Time for What Matters Most Programs.
- The Brown-Forman Corporation donated $25,000, which is their third and final payment;
- The Gheens Foundation, Inc. donated $25,000, which is their fourth and final payment; and
- The Humana Foundation, Inc. donated $25,000, which is the third of four payments.
Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government donated $3,000 through the use of Neighborhood Development Grant funds for the purchase and installation of playground equipment at Engelhard Elementary School.
Submitted by: Christi Lanier-Robinson
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept funding totaling $78,000 from the Jefferson County Public Education Foundation to be used as stated in the rationale.
Acceptance of Grants and Funding
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept the grants and funding to various schools and departments as presented in the following agenda items.
Acceptance of Active Schools Acceleration Project Grant for Schaffner Traditional Elementary School
The Active
Schools Acceleration Project has awarded a $1,000 physical activity grant to Schaffner Traditional Elementary School.
The funds will be used to implement Let's Move, a classroom exercise and physical activity program that incorporates movement before, during, and after the school day.
Grant funds will provide physical activity equipment, classroom materials, teacher professional development, and family night activities.
This grant does not obligate the school or district financially nor is there a
requirement for matching funds or cost share.
Submitted by: Dr. Dewey Hensley
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept a $1,000 Active Schools Acceleration Project grant for Schaffner Traditional Elementary School.
Acceptance of Funding from the Commonwealth of Kentucky for Teenage Parent Programs
Project SMART, which stands for Science, Math, And the Right Technology, is a program focused on post-secondary education and career exploration. Students in the program are exposed to professional careers with a math, science, and technology focus through guest speakers, field trips, mentoring, career fairs, and job shadowing. Students also tour local colleges and universities that offer degreed programs for professional careers.
The Project SMART grant funds will be used to pay the following expenses during the 2013-14 school year:
- salaries for one math and one science teacher;
- technology supplies;
- college visits and field trips;
- student fees such as ACT registration;
- Family Scholar House liaison services;
- overtime costs for Child Development Center employees to provide child care for TAPP students returning late from field trips; and
- other math-, science-, or technology-related needs.
There is no financial obligation for the District beyond the 2013–14 school year, and there are no matching funds required.
Submitted by: Dr. Dewey Hensley
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept funding in the amount of $227,900 from the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the South Park and Westport Teenage Parent Programs.
Acceptance of Funding from Kentucky Department of Education for Career and Technical Education
Career and Technical Education programs offer students career exploration and preparation opportunities that prepare them for both college and career through:
- enhanced student learning through integration of academic and technical content to create authentic learning experiences;
- collaboration with business, labor, and industry partners to provide experiential learning opportunities aligned with community needs and student interests; and;
- collaboration with community and post-secondary partners to enable students to earn credentialed diplomas featuring industry certification and college credit.
This grant provides additional funding to offset costs incurred from career theme programs. This grant does not obligate the District or the schools financially, and there is no requirement for matching funds or in-kind contributions. These monies are fully allocated to the schools for equipment and software.
Submitted by: Dr. Dewey Hensley
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept funding totaling $68,415 from the Carl D. Perkins, Title I, Part C, Career and Technical Education grant.
Acceptance of Additional Funding for Title 1, Part A, Section 1003(g) School Improvement Funds, Project #4603
The Kentucky Department of Education has awarded the District additional Title 1, Part A, Section 1003(g) School Improvement Funds (Project #4603) funding totaling $190,204.
These funds were awarded to improve student achievement at the SIG Cohort 3 schools listed below. These funds must be spent or encumbered by June 30, 2014.
Participating schools are:
- Doss High School
- Fairdale High School
- Iroquois High School
- Knight Middle School
- Seneca High School
- Southern High School
- Waggener High School
The revised award notification letter is attached.
Submitted by: Dr. Dewey Hensley
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept additional Title 1, Part A, Section 1003(g) School Improvement Funds (Project #4603) totaling $190,204.
Approval of Teenage Parent Program Health Services Agreement with University of Louisville
Under the terms of the attached agreement, the University of Louisville Department of Family Medicine (ULFM) will provide clinic-based prenatal, family planning, and primary care services at the South Park and Westport Teenage Parent Program (TAPP) clinics. Medical services shall be under the direction of an attending physician with the assistance of residents and medical students from the University of Louisville School of Medicine.
JCPS will provide nursing and administrative support for the services provided by ULFM at the TAPP clinics including appointment scheduling, patient record maintenance including documentation necessary for insurance billing, and on-site nursing assistance during doctor clinics. ULFM will pay JCPS $10,000 toward the salary of a medical secretary.
This agreement shall be effective for an initial term of one fiscal year commencing on January 1, 2014, and ending on June 30, 2014.
Submitted by: Dr. Dewey Hensley
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Teenage Parent Program Health Services Agreement with the University of Louisville, Department of Family Medicine, for the South Park and Westport Teenage Parent Program sites.
Approval of External Support/Booster Organizations
External support/booster organizations are adult/parent organizations established to promote school programs or complement student groups or activities, (i.e., PTA, PTO, booster organizations, etc.).
An external support/booster organization's purpose is to promote school programs, student groups, or activities at schools. Although external support/booster organizations work very closely with the District, they are separate legal entities and are responsible for adherence to IRS guidelines and Title IX regulations.
Pursuant to Kentucky Department of Education Accounting Procedures for the Kentucky School Activity Funds Redbook Incorporated by Reference 702 KAR 3:130, external support/booster organizations must receive local board approval to establish, lend support, seek assistance, or fundraise in the name of the district, school, students, or a district or school program.
The External Support/Booster Organizations listed in the attachment request Board approval and have submitted appropriate documentation as required under the External Support/Booster Organizations General Guidelines of the Redbook.
The organizations' officers are solely responsible for ensuring that their group is in compliance with District policies, external support/booster organization guidelines in the Redbook, and state and federal regulations.
Submitted by: Dr. Dewey Hensley
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached External Support/Booster Organizations as required by state regulation.
Submission of Board Policies
First Reading of Board Policy: 03.18 Evaluation
The proposed policy revision was drafted in conjunction with Kentucky School Boards Association's Policy Service ("KSBA"), and was reviewed and recommended by the Policy Development Committee.
As a part of the policy review we are converting to a number system rather than the current lettering system.
The attached proposed Evaluation policy is the current policy minus the reference to classified staff evaluation. There is a separate policy regarding classified staff evaluation.
In the system of revision used in the attached policy, underlined (_____) words are proposed language, words containing (-----) are proposed deleted language and yellow highlighting is language that KSBA recommends that Boards include in the policy area.
Submitted by: Rosemary Miller
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education receive the attached Board Policy: 03.18 Evaluation for first submission and reading.
First Reading of Board Policies: Curriculum and Instruction (First Reading)
The proposed revisions incorporate new legal requirements and were made in conjunction with Kentucky School Boards Association's Policy Service ("KSBA"), and were reviewed and recommended by the Policy Development Committee.
With these revisions, we will be converting to a number system rather than our current lettering system.
In the system of revision used in the attached policies, underlined (_____) words are proposed language, words containing (-----) are proposed deleted language and yellow highlighting is language that KSBA recommends that Boards include in the policy area.
Submitted by: Rosemary Miller
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education receive the attached Board Policies: Curriculum and Instruction for first submission and reading.
Approval of Board Policy: 09.121 Entrance Age
This proposed policy was received for first reading by the Board of Education on November 25, 2013, and was reviewed and recommended by the Policy Development Committee.
The proposed revisions were made in conjunction with Kentucky School Boards Association's Policy Service ("KSBA"). With these revisions, we will be converting to a number system rather than our current lettering system.
In the system of revision used in the attached policy, underlined (_____) words are proposed language, words containing (-----) are proposed deleted language and yellow highlighting is language that KSBA recommends that Boards include in the policy area.
Submitted by: Rosemary Miller
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached Board Policy: 09.121 Entrance Age.
Approval of Board Policy: 03.2212 Cafeteria Plan
This proposed policy was received for first reading by the Board of Education on November 25, 2013, and was reviewed and recommended by the Policy Development Committee.
The proposed revisions were made in conjunction with Kentucky School Boards Association's Policy Service ("KSBA"). With these revisions, we will be converting to a number system rather than our current lettering system.
In the system of revision used in the attached policies, underlined (_____) words are proposed language, words containing (-----) are proposed deleted language and yellow highlighting is language that KSBA recommends that Boards include in the policy area.
Submitted by: Rosemary Miller
*Agenda item was revised to reflect the withdrawal of Policy 03.2 Classified Personnel
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached Board Policy: 03.2212 Cafeteria Plan.
Approval of 2013–14 Comprehensive District Improvement Plan
On May 29, 2012, the Board of Education approved the Strategic Plan Vision 2015. The goals and strategies outlined in the strategic plan are designed to set a course for the District through 2015. This plan makes our priorities clear, ensures full transparency, and will use measurable outcomes to hold us accountable for maintaining a focus on what will benefit our students. The Strategic Plan guides and focuses our daily work.
This fall, the Superintendent and Cabinet engaged their staff in formulating detailed series of action steps for the 2013–14 school year, including timelines and personnel responsible, to implement each of the strategies so that we can accomplish our goals.
The final document, which includes goals, strategies, and action steps, serves as the 2013–14 Comprehensive District Improvement Plan. Public feedback for the strategic plan was gathered by placing the document on the Web, distributing it to all principals, and sharing the strategies with various community groups.
Submitted by: Dr. Robert J. Rodosky
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached 2013–14 Comprehensive District Improvement Plan.
Approval of the Ford Next Generation Learning Master Plan
In support of the District's Strategic Plan Vision 2015 and the four Focus Areas of Increased Learning; Graduation and Beyond; Stakeholder Involvement/Engagement; and Safe, Resourced, Supported, and Equipped Schools, the Jefferson County Public School District (JCPS), Louisville community leaders, and Ford Next Generation Learning (NGL) have created a three-year tactical plan to transform teaching and learning, redesign the 5-Star high schools, and sustain the changes through premier partnerships with industry, postsecondary education, and civic and community leaders.
In order to accomplish our vision and mission, JCPS has set forth the following overarching goals:
- To increase the graduation rate from 76.5 percent in 2013 to 83.7 percent in 2016;
- To decrease the dropout rate to 3/8 percent by 2016;
- To increase the percentage of students who are college or career ready from 51.3 percent in 2013 to 72.4 percent in 2016; and
- To have all students at the 5-Star high schools enrolled in a School of Study by 2016.
Goals were aligned with state accountability goals and the 55,000 Degrees Initiative, Greater Louisville's education commitment to have an additional 55,000 post-secondary degrees by the year 2020.
In order for JCPS to accomplish its Vision that All JCPS students graduate prepared to reach their full potential and contribute to our society throughout life, the Louisville community must pull together to support the tactics outlined in the Ford NGL Master Plan.
JCPS will ensure that targeted professional development for teachers and increased experiential hands-on learning for students are supported by District resources. Community and business engagement will ensure that high school students and teachers are receiving the most current and relevant experiences so that, ultimately, students are prepared for college and the workforce.
The Ford NGL framework has proven that this approach works. Louisville's implementation of this plan will help ensure that every student graduates college and career ready.
Submitted by: Christi Lanier-Robinson
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the Ford Next Generation Learning Master Plan.
ITEM WITHDRAWN: Approval of Telecommunication Devices Policy Waiver for Pleasure Ridge Park High School for the 2013–14 School Year
This agenda item was withdrawn.
Approval of Resolutions Concerning the Jefferson County School District Finance Corporation
Approval of the attached Resolutions approves, ratifies, and confirms the actions of the Jefferson County School District Finance Corporation (the "Corporation").
This action is necessary in order to effect the redemption prior to maturity of the Corporation's outstanding School Building Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2003A (the "Prior Bonds").
Submitted by: Rosemary Miller
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached resolutions concerning the Jefferson County School District Finance Corporation.
Action Items
Approval of Restructuring Proposal for Frost Middle School, Valley High School, and Phoenix School of Discovery
To address low academic performance at Frost Middle School and Valley High School, dramatic change is required.
To facilitate this change in outcomes for students, the following restructuring is proposed.
- Frost Middle School will transform into a sixth-grade academy that will provide a cohesive, focused age-appropriate education to target these students in an intentional way. It will challenge, intervene, and support the cognitive and non-cognitive skills of students with an intentional transition plan between elementary school and seventh grade.
- Valley High School will serve students in grades 7 through 12. (Students in grades 7–8 will participate in a Preparatory Academy, and students in grades 9–12 will participate in a regular comprehensive high school setting.) This will ease the difficult transition between middle school and high school while providing students with an opportunity to build a more academically effective relationship between the school, students, and families.
- Phoenix School of Discovery, an alternative pathway school, will benefit as well by becoming a cohesive middle school and high school with a singular mission. Phoenix will be housed in the Frost Middle School facility. This will add many opportunities for Phoenix students.
Submitted by: Dr. Dewey Hensley
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the proposed restructuring of Frost Middle School, Valley High School, and Phoenix School of Discovery as presented in the attachment.
Order #2013-202 - Motion Passed: Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the proposed restructuring of Frost Middle School, Valley High School, and Phoenix School of Discovery as presented in the attachment. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Haddaway and a second by Mrs. Debbie Wesslund.
ITEM WITHDRAWN: Approval of Pilot Cadet Academy Magnet Program at Myers Middle School
This agenda item was withdrawn.
Discussion Items
2013–14 Board of Education Discussion Agenda Planning Calendar
A year-long list of selected Board of Education discussion agenda items has been compiled for use by the Board and administrative staff. The list includes activities for action and discussion throughout this fiscal year.
It is anticipated that staff will use this list to avoid scheduling conflicts, improve coordination and support of activities, enhance planning, and increase awareness of upcoming board meeting activities.
Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education receive for information a planning calendar outlining discussion agenda items to occur during the 2013–14 fiscal year.
Order #2013-203 - Motion Passed: Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education receive for information a planning calendar outlining discussion agenda items to occur during the 2013–14 fiscal year. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad and a second by Mr. Chuck Haddaway.
Board Reports/Requests
Persons Requesting to Address the Board on Non-Agenda Items
Each speaker is allowed three minutes to address the Board.
At the end of 2–1/2 minutes, a bell will sound once. You will then have 30 seconds to finish your statement.
At the end of three minutes, the bell will sound twice, indicating that your time is up.
Executive Session (If Needed)
A recommendation to adjourn the December 9, 2013, meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education at xxx p.m.
Order #2013-204 - Motion Passed: A recommendation to adjourn the December 9, 2013, meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education at 9:49 p.m. passed with a motion by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad and a second by Mr. Chris Brady.