Call to Order
Glenda Huff
Roll Call
Glenda Huff
Tentative Budget for Fiscal year 2013
This Tentative Budget Cycle is required by State Stature KRS 160.470. The Tentative Budget has to be approved by the local school district and submitted to the Kentucky Department of Education by 5/30 of each year.
The budget committee met on several occasions over the last few weeks creating the budget for FY2013. This budget is based on the staffing allocation and salary schedule already approved by the Board of Education for FY2013. This budget took into consideration the increase in retirement fringes that the school district incurs based on information provided by KDE. This budget incorporated non-personnel expenditures based on actual expenditures.
The budget committee will be looking into how cost saving measures can be incorporated into the budget. At this time, there are many unknowns related to the adoption of this budget. Once those unknowns become available, the budget will be amended and will be reflected in the Working Budget that will be presented to the Board of Education in September of each year.
CIPS Staff Time and Attendance System Report
The following report is an update of the status of the pilot automated time/attendance system from Cincinnati Time Systems and the CIPS staff time and attendance system currently in place.
Glenda Huff