Call to Order
Glenda Huff
Roll Call
Glenda Huff
Invocation and Pledge
Glenda Huff
Welcome and Board Chair Comments
Glenda Huff
Glenda Huff welcomes staff and community members attending the meeting.
Public Input
Staff / Community Members
This is an opportunity for the community to provide input and comments on district business.
Informational Items
Lynda Jackson
These items are for information only. They do not require board action.
Personnel Actions
The personnel actions listed on the exhibit have taken place since the board meeting of March 28, 2012.
Covington Education Association / Superintendent's Report for April 2012
This is a monthly item used to keep the Board and Administration up-to-date on the communication between the Superintendent and theCovington Education Association.
Membership Attendance Report 2011-2012 School Year (Seventh Month)
This is a monthly agenda item used to keep the Board and Administration up to date on attendance and enrollment figures. This report contains the membership and percentage of attendance for students by school and compares the current year’s seventh month enrollment figures with those from the 2010-2011 school year.
Report of the Treasurer
Annette Bemerer, Treasurer
March 2012 Monthly Financial Report
Budget Narrative for March 2012 monthly financial statement:
- General fund (fund 1) – as of 3/31/12, revenue received of 30.7 million with expenses of 19.9 million.
- Special revenue (fund 2) – as of 3/31/12, revenue received of 7.6 million with expenses of 7.7 million. Many grants in fund 2 are on a reimbursement basis. The money is requested after the expenses have occurred. There is always a time lag on receiving fund 2 revenue.
- Capital outlay (fund 310) - as of 3/31/12, revenue received of $155,000 with expenses of $328,000. The state does not provide all the capital outlay funding until the end of the fiscal year. This fund is used to pay the district’s bond payments. Bond payments occur throughout the whole fiscal year.
- Building fund (fund 320) - as of 3/31/12, revenue received of $1,020,000 with expenses of $21,000. This fund is used to pay the district’s bond payments. Bond payments occur throughout the whole fiscal year.
- Construction fund (fund 360) - as of 3/31/12, revenue received of $4,646 with expenses of $1,076,400. This fund is used to pay for the district’s construction projects. Revenue received in FY’11 but expenses are occurring in FY’12.
Consulted with auditors on why the financial report is not printing the correct balances of this fund. This report is on a fiscal basis. We received construction revenue last fiscal year. That revenue will not show up on this fiscal report. See separate project-to-date financial report which pulls all revenue & expenses since the start of the project no matter when the project started. We have approximately $204,000 left to spend out of this fund.
6. Daycare fund (fund 50) – as of 3/31/12, revenue received of $195,000 with expenses of $167,000.
Revenue comes in throughout the fiscal year.
7. Food service fund (fund 51) – as of 3/31/12, revenue received of $1,777,000 with expenses of $1,463,000.
Warrant Expenditure Report
District expenditures from 3/21 to 4/17
Consent Agenda
Lynda Jackson
Items VIII-6 through VIII-16 are Consent Items and Can be Voted on an One (1) Motion.
Minutes of Regular Meeting March 28, 2012
CIPS Board of Education meeting minutes require board approval.
Minutes of Special Meeting April 10, 2012
CIPS Board of Education meeting minutes require board approval.
Minutes of Regular Meeting April 12, 2012
CIPS Board of Education meeting minutes require board approval.
Emergency Full-time Teacher(s)
Employment of emergency full-time teacher(s) will prevent the disruption of instruction and ensure that the district is in compliance with the standards of the Education Professional Standards Board.
The following teacher(s) are awaiting certification renewal. An emergency certificate may be necessary to comply with the Education Professional Standards Board requirements for all or a portion of the 2011-2012 school year.
Leah Holland – Business Teacher at Holmes High School for the remainder of the 2011-2012 school year. Ms. Holland graduated from with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Secondary Education – Business and Marketing Emphasis. Ms. Holland has subbed for CIPS since 9/2011. She has a Statement of Eligibility in Business and Marketing Education, but cannot receive a Provisional Internship certificate because there are not 70 instructional days remaining in the school year.
Computer Printer Supplies Bid Award
A request for district wide Computer Printer Supplies was advertised and bid. With two (2) companies responding, it was determined that MRO Express LLC, a computer printer supply company, offered the highest percentage of discounted printer ink cartridges used throughout the district.
Custodial Supplies Bid
A request for district wide custodial supplies was advertised and bid. With twelve (12) companies responding, it was determined that these four (4) companies offered the highest average percentage of discount on all custodial items used throughout the district. Both maintenance and custodial supervisors approved the products and service of the companies selected. Two (2) companies were disqualified due to incomplete paperwork. Even though Calico Custodial supplies had the greater discount, they required a delivery charge per each site for orders less than $350.00.. The other companies will offer catalog discounts on non-routine items. (See attached)
Fitness Assessment Evaluator Contract - Carol M. White Physical Education Grant
The proposed contract will be between Covington Independent Public Schools and Bradley R.A. Wilson. Dr. Wilson will serve as the primary evaluator for required Fitness Assessments under the Carol M. White Physical Education grant. The contract amount will not exceed $14,000.
Holmes Washington, D.C. Trip
Pursuant to CIPS Policy 09.36 School-Related Student Trips, Holmes is requesting that the Board approve their educational trip to Washington, D.C.
Extension to Leave of Absence - Teacher (Employee # 4784)Sixth District Elementary
The employee originally requested a leave of absence beginning February 21, 2012 through April 16, 2012. The employee has asked for the leave of absence to extend to April 23, 2012.
The employee is not eligible for FMLA. She will be using sick leave days to cover a portion of the absence and the remainder will be without pay.
Individual Approval Agenda Items
Lynda Jackson
Items X-17 through X-21 are items Upon Which You Will Need to Vote.
2012 Covington Summer Youth Program / Memorandum of Understanding with City of Covington
The program proposal and MOU between Covington Independent Public Schools and the City of Covington identifies areas of responsibility and expenses for Summer Program 2012. In addition to the costs covered by the City of Covington, it is proposed that the Board of Education approve a budget of $20,000 for additional costs and transportation.
Continued Upgrades at Holmes High School BG-1 Form
Holmes High School requires additional upgrades. Replacement of some of the exterior concrete panels on the gym/science building. Asbestos abatement on the ground floor of the gym lobby and stairs. Architectural and lighting upgrades in the gym lobby and stairs. These items were to be a part of the last renovation project. Re-build the band room in the vocational building (old masonry shop). The estimated project cost is $1,165,409.98 . The funding source for this project is a bond sale. Please refer to the attached BG-1 Form for various aspects of the project scope.
Consultant Contract A.I.A., B-101 Upgrades Holmes High School
The agreement and fees are per the Kentucky Department of Education guidelines. The BG-1 Form lists the Architectural and Engineering fee at $77,600.
Policy Amendments - Policy 03.122 Holidays and Annual Leave (Certified)
The amendments are recommended changes to ensure all employees working 235-240 days understand they shall be permitted to carry over a maximum of ten (10) days of unused accrued annual leave from one school year to the next, and no employee may accumulate more than thirty or thirty-five (30/35) days in any one year. This is the final reading for the amendments.
Policy Amendments - Policy 03.222 Holidays and Annual Leave (Classified)
The amendments are recommended changes to ensure all employees working 235-240 days understand they shall be permitted to carry over a maximum of ten (10) days of unused accrued annual leave from one school year to the next, and no employee may accumulate more than thirty or thirty-five (30/35) days in any one year. This is the final reading for the amendments.
Addendum Agenda
Agenda items that were added after the regular agenda was published.
Report of the Attorney
Mary Ann Stewart, Board Attorney
Updates on litigation.
Further Discussion and/or announcements by the Board of Education
Glenda Huff
Upcoming Events
Glenda Huff
April 26 Latonia Elementary Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
May 2 HMS Dream Team visits Latonia Elementary for 5th Grade Transition
May 2 5:30-7:30 pm, Parent Educational Asset Development Workshop
May 4 4-6:30 pm., Spring Festival, John G. Carlisle Elementary
May 8 5-6:30 pm, Testing Prep Night for 3rd - 5th grades, John G. Carlisle Elementary
May 11 9:30-11 am., Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast, John G. Carlisle
May 16 5:30-7:30 pm, Parent Educational Asset Development Workshop
Executive Session
Lynda Jackson
Pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1)(c)(f) the Board may go into executive session.
Glenda Huff